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1. 开学前须知  Before school you have right to know

1.1第一天将会有签到环节,请务必出席。First day in school you have a  register sector, please attend at your first day.

1.2 请在开学前10天内完成第一期学费汇款。PTPT贷款生会另做通知。Please complete your first payment before 10 days of school day. PTPK student will get another inform.

1.3凡是报读MASTER PROGRAM 课程的同学,SKM(国家技术文凭)的报考名额也会直接提交给政府机构,将无法取消名额。For students who apply for the MASTER PROGRAM course, the SKM (National Technical Cert) will also be submitted directly to the government agency, and the quota cannot be canceled.

2. 价钱与费用 Price & Payment

2.1 拒绝退款事项 - 在这种情况下,我们学院在此明确说明。任何申请费,考试费,定金以及考虑学位而收取的费用不会做任何退款手续。 Fees are non-refundable - where this is the case, it is clearly indicated on our college. Any application fee, examination fees, deposits, and fees charged to consider recognition of prior learning.

2.2.1 高级/专业课程学费支付 - 请在每月固定的日期进行学费支付,如有延后情况将会征收额外利息。Requirement to pay  school fee - Please pay the tuition fee on a fixed date every month, if there is any delay, additional interest will be charged.

例子 : 第一期学费在1/1/2020缴付,第二期竟将要在1/2/2020缴付
example : first payment completed on 1/1/2020, second payment will be 1/2/2020 complete

2.2.2 进修班/个人彩妆班学费支付 - 请在确认上课日期后进行定金汇款,汇款成功后才算预约成功。Upgrade workshop / personal makeup workshop - Please bank in your deposit after confirm your date attend class / workshop . After complete your bank in procedures your appointment will be success.

2.3 考试费用 -  在指定考试需要另外支付的费用。这些费用由其他外部机构设定并直接支付给他们。此类费用不包括在我们在网站/学院上列出的费用中。 Examination fees - there is a separate fee payable to sit an examination at your nominated center. These charges are set by external examination centres and are payable directly to them. Such fees are not included in our costs set out on the website/college.

3. 条件变更 Changes & Terms

3.1 我们保留随时自行决定修改、添加或删除任何或所有这些条款和条件的权利,并且每次此类更改均应在发布后立即生效。请定期检查这些条款和条件是否有更改。We reserve the right, at our discretion, to modify, add, or remove any or all of these terms and conditions at any time and each such change shall be effective immediately upon posting. Please check these terms and conditions periodically for changes.

​4. 隐私政策 Privacy policy and acceptable use policy

4.1您提供的注册和其他信息受我们的隐私政策的约束,并且只能根据它使用。 Registration and other information provided by you is subject to our Privacy Policy and shall only be used in accordance with it.

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